This is when I stopped short of Boise. It seems like that was a good decision! See the following...

vale camp

This is the site I took in Vale, Oregon.
When I got there, I was so beat up from the wind, I would have stayed in a "transient camp" and been the King.
We know the "one eyed man is King of the blind".
It turns out it was a great place to be when I had a chance to look over the options. The closer I got to Boise, the more the "RV Parks" looked like parking lots and the cost went up while the services went down.

vale moon This picture of the moon kind of set the stage for the next day.

I plan to leave but who knows what I will feel like in the morning. It looks like I'll make it to Prineville, Oregon with little trouble. Let's see how I feel in the morning. If all goes well, I will be in Prineville tomorrow night (that would be Saturday evening). I will stay in that area for a vew days and see what comes up.

I'll add some pics of the area as soon as I get a chance.

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